How does Quinncia process interview feedback?
Often, an advisor, admin, or professor asks us: When will my student’s feedback be ready?
Believe it or not, there’s an algorithm to answer that! Without getting too sciency, we brought in an expert at breaking down complicated stuff.
Here's a diagram of an example interview being submitted for feedback into our system:
***All active queues will process feedback simultaneously***
In the example above, this student’s interview would be placed into the “ 5th” slot in Interview Feedback Queue 3 because Interview Feedback Queues 1 & 2 are full.
- Completed interviews are placed into queues of 10 for automated feedback.
- Completed interviews are placed into the next available spot in an open queue.
- If none are open, a new queue will be created.
- Most interviews take ~20 minutes to process and provide automated feedback.
- The actual time is dependant on interview duration (file size).
- Student 1 in the queue can take ~20 minutes and student 10 could take up to ~5 hours for feedback to be completed.
- Our SLA states 24-48 hours for automated interview feedback to be provided to each student.
- This process is 100% automated and Quinncia does not control which queue students get placed into.
- The feedback sequence starts in each queue the moment the first student enters the queue.
- Ex: if the queue is on student 9 and the 10th slot is open, student 10 won't take 5 hours, it will be ~30 min.
- Unlimited queues are available and our process can accommodate any volume of interviews!