Assignment: Quinncia Interview


Interviews are one of the most critical parts of getting a job. It’s your time to shine in front of an employer, to show them how you can add value to their organization. And as AI video interviews are becoming more and more popular among employers, Quinncia is here to help you practice. It’s proven that if you practice interviewing, you are 4X more likely to get the job you applied for. For the two assignments below, you will leverage Quinn’s technology to amplify your voice and stand out in the ever-changing employment process. 

Watch this video to learn more: What is AI Interviewing?


Increase mock interview score to boost your confidence to discuss personal skills, experience, and accomplishments with ease! Learn how to utilize the PPF or STAR method when responding to interview questions. By using, you can ensure your AI interview will pass through the system and grab employers' attention! Please review and complete the two assignments below. 


  • Computer with internet, video, and microphone access
  • Profile on
  • Resume uploaded to and analyzed by Quinncia

SCORING GOALS (Instructors Choose): 

Depending on which year of school you are in, you should aim for different goals. The types of experiences you have as a first-year student are going to be different than a student leaving college. 

  • First-year:
  • Second-year:
  • Third-year:
  • Fourth-year: 

Assignment #3: Mock Interview 1 (Due Date: ______ )

For this assignment, you will schedule and complete your first interview with Quinn. You cannot take an interview without uploading your resume (this should have been completed during Assignments #1 and #2!). To ensure you are prepared, schedule your interview, and review the interview tips and tricks PDF attached here and to your confirmation email. Take advantage of Quinn's practice questions to get you comfortable speaking to her and answering different interview prompts (these questions will not be the same as your mock interview questions).

Steps to take your interview: 

  1. Schedule your interview in advance (it needs to be!) To prepare for your interview, watch this video
  2. Receive an email saying your interview is ready
  3. Click “Start Interview” on your Quinncia dashboard
  4. Allow Quinn to access your camera and microphone
  5. When the interview begins you have 2 minutes for the first question and 90 seconds for the following 6 questions 
  6. Click “Submit” after you complete the interview and let it load completely, or it will not be saved (picture to the right!)
  7. Within 24 hours you will receive an email that your interview analysis is complete 
  8. Review your feedback 
  9. Critically analyze and reflect on how you can alter your content, audio, and video for your next interview to increase your score! 

Details of Interview: 

  • Quinn will try to personalize your interview questions based on your major and industry
  • Questions will be directly related to experiences on your resume  
  • Your audio, video, and content will be analyzed
    • Audio: Quinn assesses your communication style, rate of speech, filler word usage, answer length, and the skills you discuss most frequently.
    • Video: Quinn analyzes your video by assessing your enthusiasm, micro-expressions, and eye contact.
    • Content: Quinn analyzes the information you convey and the way in which you convey it. 

Assignment #4: Mock Interview 2 (Due Date: ______ )

For this last assignment, you will conduct your second mock interview with Quinn after you have reviewed your feedback and practiced correcting your content from your first interview. 

Again the goal is to improve and receive different feedback. Doing this exercise a second time will help strengthen your skills and achieve the benchmarks set by your university. Quinn is here to make you more comfortable discussing your experience and accomplishments, so take advantage of it! 

Steps to take your interview: 

  1. Follow the steps in Assignment #1
  2. Be sure to critically analyze and reflect on how you can improve your content, audio, and video!

Goals of this interview: 

  • Increase↑ your audio score: 
    • Use confident words and language 
    • Create an answer that highlights essential and technical skills 
    • Make sure you are in a quick space 
  • Increase↑ your video score: 
    • Look at the screen or camera for eye contact
    • Make sure your face is well lit and your background is clean and organized
    • Your dress should be appropriate to the industry/organization you are applying to 
  • Increase↑ your content score: 
    • Use the different strategies to answer your questions:
      • PPF trick (Past-Present-Future)
      • WIT Method (What-Impact-Takeaway)
      • STAR Method (Situation-Task-Action-Result)
      • How and Why Method
      • Thought Process of the Response

*Please check out this tips and trick PDF to learn more about these strategies and best prepare for your interview!

  • Be prepared to draw from all of your experiences on your resume to best answer Quinn’s questions

Note: The goal is NEVER to attain a perfect score, that’s not possible! The goal is to increase your score, confidence, and skills for future interviews!

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