Assignment: Quinncia Resume
Did you know, if you’re underemployed in your first job out of college, you’re more likely to stay underemployed for the next 10 years? What about the fact that over 80% of candidates never get past the resume screening stage of the application process, and 95% of these screenings are done by AI instead of a person?
Quinncia is here to help! Quinn is a robust AI solution designed to work to increase and enhance engagement with your school’s career services to help increase employment outcomes for students. increase and enhance student engagement with career services, ultimately helping increase student employment outcomes. Quinn’s purpose isn’t to perfect your resume completely, that should be done at the individual level with your advisor.
Watch this video to learn more: Intro to ATS
Increase your resume score, get your “Flags” to 0, and IF you are third- or fourth-year students attempt getting less than 10 “Improvements”. By using, you can ensure your resume will pass through all Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and grab employers' attention! Please review and complete the two assignments below.
- Computer with internet
- Completed profile on
- If you have any questions or run into any issues, you can contact us directly at
- Resume (PDF version)
SCORING GOALS (Instructors Choose):
Depending on which year of school you are in, you should aim for different goals. The types of experiences you have as a first-year student are going to be different than a student leaving college.
- First-year:
- Second-year:
- Third-year:
- Fourth-year:
Assignment #1: First Resume Upload (Due Date: ______ )
For this assignment, you will upload your first resume to Quinn will help you correct formatting, identify which key details should be highlighted in your content, and present your information the way a potential employer would view it. Quinn then offers feedback and recommendations to improve. We use the same Applicant Tracking System that employers use to make sure your experience is exactly like it will be in the job market.
Assignment Steps:
- Go to and click “Sign In / Sign Up” on the top right corner of the screen
- Download your university’s resume template or the resume template you can locate on the "Need Help" button
- Complete/fill in your resume with applicable experiences, education, and general information
- Before you upload your resume, watch this video!
- Upload your resume
- Check that your information is populated correctly (just like an online application!)
- Click “Upload Resume”
- Review your feedback
- Don’t fully understand your analysis? Click here for more details!
- Take this time to think about which improvements make the most impact on your background, experience, and what you choose to highlight to an employer. (Note: Not all improvements will be applicable to you. Quinn may tell you to get your resume to 1 page in addition to adding a skills section. Choose what makes the most sense for you, and reach out to your advisor with questions.)
- Make corrections to your Content and Formatting and decrease your “Flags” and “Improvements” (see below*)
- Done!
*What are “Flags” and “Improvements”?
Flags: are edits that need to be made for resumes to parse ATS.
- Flags are worth 2 points
- You should aim for 0 “Flags”
Improvements: optional recommendations for students to improve their resumes
- Improvements are worth 1 point
- Recommendation: First-/Second-year students to try to get 10 improvements or less and Third-/Fourth-year students, we recommend them to strive for 5 or less.
Note: You can always increase your score more than what is recommended from the Flags and Improvements.
Example: if Quinn suggested you to change the spelling or grammar within a bullet point description, and you make that change, in addition to adding a technical and/or essential skill to that bullet point description, you would gain 3 points rather than the 2 Quinn suggested.
Assignment #2: Second Resume Upload (Due Date: ______ )
For this assignment, you will upload your second resume to after you have reviewed your feedback and made corrections to your first resume (you should have made corrections during Assignment #1!).
The goal of this assignment is to lower your “Flags” and “Improvements” on this resume in comparison to your first one and hit your school’s benchmark (see below*). A shorter list of “Flags” and “Improvements” you need to make, the higher likeliness of you passing through an ATS.
*What is a “benchmark”?
The total score is a summation of the points you earned in the Content and Formatting sections of your resume. The most points you could receive is 400. You will be given a bronze, silver, or gold badge depending on your score outcome. Benchmarks are minimum scores your University wants you to strive for.
If you look at the picture below, the gray box is the school’s benchmark. You can see in this example, the student surpassed the benchmark.
Assignment Steps:
- Make any additional corrections to your resume based on the feedback Quinn gave you in Assignment #1
- Each descriptive bullet point under experience sections should include a technical/essential skill and a quantified outcome!
- Upload your resume by clicking on "UPLOAD NEW PDF RESUME" which can be located on your Quinncia dashboard
- Check that your information is populated correctly (just like an online application!)
- Click “Upload Resume”
- Review your feedback
- Make suggested corrections
- You can upload as many resumes as you like! Please use this to your advantage as you continue developing your resume!
- You will be graded based on the increase of your total score, a decrease of flags and improvements, and updates to the descriptions of your experiences
Note: The goal is NEVER to attain a perfect score, that’s not possible! The goal is to increase your score, confidence, and skills for future applications!